Systematic Procedure
"Admission AND Withdrawal"
1.Admissions are generally made only to the Lower Nursery. For the
other classes admissions will be made only if there are vacancies.
2.Children above 2.5 years and below 3 years will be admitted to the
3.Children below 3 years and above 5 years will not be admitted to
the Nursery.
4.Pupil having attended other recognized school will not be admitted
without a Transfer Certificate and conduct certificate. In case of
pupil coming from outside Andhra Pradesh. The T.C. should be duly
countersigned by the educational authoritie
5.Once a student is admitted in the Scholl his / her date of birth will
not be changed.
6.Application for a Transfer Certificate shall be made in writing to the
Headmistress by the parent or guardian of the pupil.
7.A notice of 2 days must be given for any certificate or document
required from the school office
8.Name of the Pupil who have been absent from the school for 15
consecutive working days or more without permission are liable to
be striken from the register, and may not be re admitted.
9.No. T.C. will be issued until all the payments are made.
10.Parents are asked to come and receive the progress reports of
their children after the Summative-I and Summative-II from the
teachers concerned.